Did you know that you can indeed adopt a foreign dog? By following all the right steps and being well-informed, you could bring your soul mate home with you, never to be separated again.
Some general information
First of all, it is important to know that the importation of dogs into Canada is regulated by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). In order for the animal you wish to bring into the country to clear customs and not be denied entry, you must ensure that you have all the necessary documentation. So the first step would be to consult the CFIA website to review the documents you will need to enter the country with your new friend. Your answers to a series of questions, including the age of the dog when it arrives in Canada and its country of origin, will determine which documents you will be asked to provide. For example, if you are bringing back a dog from Mexico that is between three and eight months old, you will need to have its rabies vaccination certificate. There is always the possibility that the CFIA will inspect the animal and the requested documentation at the airport. This limits the entry of foreign transmissible diseases into Canada.
Documentation to be prepared
You should also be aware that if the animal comes from a shelter or kennel, other documents are required, besides the rabies vaccination certificate: a health certificate and a microchip. Furthermore, some of these documents must be filled out in advance. Among others, the import permit must be completed at least one week before returning to Canada and the health certificate a few days before departure. You should also make sure you are aware of the rules in force in every country you will be stopping over in. Some countries may demand other documents that are not required in Canada. You must therefore ensure that you have enough leeway during your stopovers to comply with the regulations, which in most cases requires additional time.
Travelling by plane? More rules!
In addition to each country's regulations, airlines also have rules about travelling with a pet. So read all the necessary information to ensure that the carrier you choose will allow your new pet to travel with you. You can also read this article in order to properly plan your trip with your pet and take all the necessary precautions.
In addition to all of the foregoing considerations and planning, you should carry the necessary supplies in case your pet needs to do its business while in transit. You should also consider taking out the appropriate travel insurance, be aware of the regulations in all the places you will have to stop before entering Canada and plan for additional costs if necessary.
You might be interested to learn from the experiences of others when going through the process of adopting a dog from abroad. Mélanie Briand's story is one that could give you a better idea of what to expect. You can also consult the CFIA website to find all the information you need.
Good luck with your adoption!
Finding your soul mate on the other side of the world
May 23, 2021
If one day, while travelling in another country, you fall completely under the spell of an orphaned dog, don't suffer a separation heartbreak. Bring it home with you!