Nuts, the Hipster Dog

May 6, 2020

Chewbacca, hipster, or grand-papa, are just a few of the nicknames his fans have given him throughout the years. Nuts is a small four year old dog who quickly rose to fame due to his funny beard, which appeared when he turned 8 months old and distinguished him from other griffons. Although his owners initially would take him to have his beard trimmed at the groomers, they eventually chose to let it grow. Surprisingly, caring for Nuts' beard is simple: it just needs some cleaning at bath time. No need to brush or comb it, as Nuts' fur is extremely smooth! No need to say that this fashion icon proudly adopts the current trend of men's long beards. You can follow his adventures right here. (Catherine D'Avignon)

Photo : petite.griffon.nuts


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